
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Still Not ReadyTo Start Dating: Why They Aren’t LookingFor Love

             Single but not ready to mingle. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie aren’t looking for love with anyone new and we’ve got EXCLUSIVE details on why the exes aren’t joining the dating world anytime soon.Even though its been 10 months since Brad Pitt, 53, and Angelina Jolie, 42, shockingly split, neither of the stunners are looking to get back in the dating game. Between caring for their six kids as well as their own personal projects, there simply isn’t time for finding love again. “Angelina and Brad are both fully focused on the children, and really aren’t interested in getting into a relationship with anyone else at this time. Brad is also committed to his sobriety and exploring his new-found love of sculpture, so his mind isn’t in a dating space right now,” a source close to Angelina tells EXCLUSIVELY.“Their parents breakup has been a super difficult time for the kids, and Brad and Angelina want to make it as easy for them as possible, so they don’t want to introduce a third party into the mix,” our insider continues. The children still need to adjust to life being shuttled back and forth between their parents homes now that the former couple has worked out a custody arrangement. In the meantime, Angelina has kept the kids happy with regular trips to Disneyland for their birthdays, as well as taking them on adventurous trips abroad.“Plus, the breakup was tough on Brad and Angelina too, they are still processing what went wrong and dealing with their feelings. They seriously thought they would be together forever, that they were each other’s soulmates, and the split really shook them both to the core. They’re taking this time for reflection, self-analysis, and realign their priorities.” our source adds. Who wasn’t shocked when Hollywood’s golden couple called it quits? We thought they’d be together forever as well! Especially since they’d never really showed any signs of trouble leading up to their divorce bombshell.

 source : Hollywood Life youtube
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