Did you know Angelina Jolie... ...
- Is one of the 50 most beautiful famous women (according to People 2000)
- Is one of Timothy Hutton’s ex-girlfriends
- Took part to a lot of humanitarian missions (including demining in Cambodia)
- Loves lizards and snakes (she has a lizard called Vladimir and a snake called Harry Dean Stanton)
- Has the phobia of being burned alive
- ’s hobby is to learn playing drums
- Collects knives since she attended a renaissance party when she was a little girl
- ’s favorite color is black because it fits with everything
- ’s favorite movie staring her father is : Anaconda
- Is planing to buy a 32-room hotel somewhere in Central America
- Was an athlete when she was young
- Stopped acting for a while 6 months after the end of the shooting of Gia
- Knows how to tattoo
- Wants to learn cooking and french
- Was and is very close to her mother and brother
- Always thought she looked like a funny Muppet
- Mostly eats red meat
- Has already taken cocain, E, LSD and heroin
- Has won the title of « woman that most men want to have sex with »
- ’s name would mean « cut tinny angel eyes » in Romantic language

Big thank you to Orlanne Rancelot