
Brad Pitt Is Concerned About Angelina Jolie: ‘Salt’ Actress Is Losing Weight Fast

           Brad Pitt is worried about his wife Angelina Jolie’s health. It is rumored that the lady is shedding too many pounds too quickly and this is affecting her health.If somebody were to browse through Angelina Jolie’s recent photographs, they would arrive at the conclusion that her family is not feeding her properly. The lady is so skinny that Pitt is much worried about her health. It was revealed that the lady has a problem keeping on weight. She is also a bad eater. She eats better when her husband is coaxing her to eat and gets in the problem zone when her husband isn’t around to coax her. This has made Brad Pitt worry about her health and now he is sending her to a retreat where she can eat herself back to health. Brad Pitt wants her to pig out on the retreat, so she can pack some pounds on her thin and wiry frame.Husband Brad Pitt is so focused on getting his wife healthy again that he has hired an expert trainer for her. She will be pushed to pig out by expert fencer, Gertrud Keazor, who also runs retreats. Brad Pitt has asked the trainer to “try and get through to her,” so she will fill her plate more often and put on some weight. She will have to take some private lessons from Keazor which will include one on one sessions about good food habits.While Angelina Jolie has been a perfect role model for women all around the world on several fronts, her food habits are far from excellent. The lady doesn’t eat properly unless she has her husband around her. While everything else about her is absolutely excellent, the lady must learn to keep her health in good condition.Ok Magazine and Radar Online reported the news first.

source : Movie New Guide youtube
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