'Angelina Jolie was born to make men weak!' Ethan Hawke reveals former co-star was his 'best ever' kiss
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- Published on Friday, 31 May 2013 19:13
- Written by Daily mail
Angelina Jolie has long been known as one of the sex iest actresses in the world, and now we know why.The gorgeous Tomb Raider star's former co-star and rumoured real life lover, Ethan Hawke, revealed on Bravo's Watch What Happens Next details of Angelina's innate sex appeal and international allure.When asked by a caller to the Andy Cohen hosted show who was his 'best kiss,' Hawke replied: 'With all due respect - the woman has been in the press a lot lately - but my best onscreen kiss was with Angelina Jolie.Digging for naughty details, cheeky Andy then asked what made her the winner, 'Pillowly lips, a lot of tongue...what?' 'Why is Amadeus, Wolfgang Mozart a genius? Angelina Jolie was born to whittle men, to make them weak.'And when she kisses you, you don't know your name,' the 42-year-old actor gushed about the now 37-year-old mother of six, going a little doe-eyed at the thought.Brad Pitt's longtime lover and Uma Thurman's ex-husband starred alongside each other in the 2004 sexy psychological thriller Taking Lives, in which Jolie plays an FBI agent chasing a serial killer, with Hawke's character being an eye witness to his final kill.The co-stars were heavily rumoured to be having an off-screen affair while filming in 2003 that was as steamy as their fictional sex scenes.The raunchy romance reportedly took place while he was married to Kill Bill star Uma, with whom he has two children, daughter, Maya, and son, Levon.Once Hawke had finished gushing about the wonders of amazing Angelina and her killer affect on men, a caller then asked him: 'Who is the hottest actress you've hooked up with?' The notorious ladies' man first asked if they meant on- or off-screen, and emphasized that 'much more fun has been had off-screen,' before giving his answer.
As Cohen kept hinting that his reply should be Uma, causing him to squirm in his seat, Ethan explained, 'Let me tell you something, if we're going to be honest.'The facts are the more hot, they are the more acclaimed they are for being hot... the less hot they are.'So the hottest chick I've ever been with on-screen was not anybody anyone has ever heard of.'I wish this weren't true, but lets face it - I had a good few years. But the most wonderful experiences didn't happen with anyone you have ever heard of.'The candid but unscandalous response issued a smattering of applause from the audience, causing Ethan to quip, 'They would have gone nuts if I'd said "Angelina Jolie!" Instead they are like, "What does that mean?"'Now with almost 20 years worth of starring roles to his name, Hawke's breakout performance was as Todd Anderson in Dead Poet's Society, under the tutelage of eclectic English teacher Robin Williams.The part not only won the teenage actor critical acclaim - but also countless female admirers of all ages.While he shot down Andy's suggestion that Cher called him for a hook up, Hawke, who said he had only been with one girl before then, bragged, 'These were like serious names. They would call and say, "I liked your neck," I had no idea what they meant.'After Ethan and fellow guest, Les Miserables star Aaron Tveit, got crude when quizzed about what their favourite words were - Hawke hinted that it was 'pussy' while Tveit said, 'f**k,' with heavy emphasis - the Best Supporting Actor Oscar nominee got serious when asked what it was like working with Training Day co-star Denzel Washington.'Denzel is the greatest living movie actor today,' he replied with genuine emotion.'Whatever Jimmy Stewart was, whatever Jack Nicholson was... is, this MF knows, he has something to say, I loved working with him.'
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