
The BBB Maria Melilo want to work in soaps: “Angelina Jolie inspires me”

        Winner of the WEEK 11, a, Maria Melilo, 36, is away from the TV, since the fall of 2017, when he worked for two years as a reporter for TV Fama, da RedeTV!.The ex-BBB, who has also worked at the now-defunct Casseta & Planeta, and made a few investments in the novels the Fool’s Heart [2011] and That Kiss [2011]in addition to the theatre performances, says he believes that now is the time to get more space on TV, with a paper fixed on the tv. “Angelina Jolie inspires me, I think she’s beautiful,” she says of the YOUTUBE.So if you do well on the tests, the casting, she did a training with the renowned coach of the squad overall and Sergio Penna.“This is the second time I have been doing in the workshop of Sergio Penna, I love it, and now I’m focusing on studying, and he is a master in the area of interpretation, a TV, a movie theater, so it was awesome. It’s inexplicable, I liked it a lot, and I’m going to continue to do as it is announced. I want to go back to the TV, in my area, and they are not working. Like the novel, the series, and the movies. The actress has to be ready for anything and everything, and I want to work,” he said.Experience as a reporter, was pleased by Mary, but she says that she identifies more and more with a career in acting.“I want to work in my field I am studying because I want to improve for when I start doing all the tests to be ready and prepared to do what is right. I spent two years on TV’s Fame, I’ve learned a lot from this because being on the side of the press is no different. I have tried other things in that time [após deixa o TV Fama]I stayed for a little time away from studying in Los Angeles, and I believe that, by 2020, to go back to the TV. This is the one that I want to start the year’s work.”
        Mary, it’s just appreciation of the reality of the world that took part in 2011 and became a winner, taking the prize of$ 1.5 million. The actress, who said that the toparia again be limited to, the account that you have invested your money in the program in their own apartment, and other real estate properties.“I toparia go back to the WIKI, I will. I think it would be more difficult, because it would be the other participants have already experienced it, because at first we didn’t know how it happened. Now, we already know how it is, more or less in the game. I am very competitive and would go back, but I would have to put together another plan for the game as it would be with people who are already familiar with how it works.”The ex-BBB, I’d love to take a part of the Farm, on the Record, and will only reject an invitation to the reality couple, Power Couple, because her boyfriend, the owner, Arnaldo, Pereira, 75.The Power Couple, and the Catholic non-toparia. Once again, the people watching the program, he told me that it is not toparia, because he is an entrepreneur and builder, a civil engineer, it is not such a means. I don’t think he would like very much to participate in those games, and the evidence,” he says.
        In January, the couple must complete one year of marriage. Mary says she has suffered prejudice on account of difference of age, but attacks on social networks have declined over time.“I had the feeling that, in the beginning, as they were the first subjects of my relationship with him [houve] a lot of criticism on social media. Today it has changed, a lot of people write to me and say that they also have relationships that are similar to mine. So, I think that people have become accustomed to and accepted.”She said that the mother met her son-in-law recently, and the two of you will spend New Year’s with family in Argentina. “It is a very romantic, well-mannered, a guy that’s super good, a hard worker, he’s a gentleman. I am in love with it,” he said.

 source : Matza vreview youtube

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