
Kylie Jenner and Angelina Jolie pouts drives new trend of cosmetic lip tattooing in inner west

             WOMEN wanting a tinted and defined pout like Kylie Jenner and Angelina Jolie is driving a cosmetic lip tattooing craze at a Five Dock salon.Sydney Permanent Make-Up Centre founder and managing director Rita Porreca has seen a 50 per cent increase in clients requesting fuller lips with a distinct shape and lasting colour compared to this time last year.The answer is lip tattooing, which is timesaving and can last as long as six years.“Everyone wants to streamline their beauty regimen and that is what lip tattoos do,” Ms Porreca said.“Many clients have had their eyebrows cosmetically tattooed and want a similar benefit for their lips with a dramatic or subtle colour which are also on show all-year-round.“A lot of younger women are doing it now because there’s an image to uphold. They are seeing celebrities on social media with perfect lips and it’s very accessible and easy to achieve.” The cosmetic tattooist, who has been tattooing lips, eyebrows and eyeliner for 26 years, said there were three ways to create the newest beauty trend – lip liner, blend or full colour.“Lip liner frames your own shape, lip blend gives a natural look but a bit bigger and full lip makes them bigger with a whole new colour,” she said.“It’s a lip tint and looks quite natural. It can never look like lipstick and have that gloss that lipstick has. It’s more of a matt look.” Ms Porreca was one of Australia’s first cosmetic tattoo artists, graduating from the International Institute of Permanent Cosmetics in the US in 1991. She said while tattooing has always been popular, people were time poor and needed to look on point all the time.“My clients come from all over because it’s such a specialty,” Ms Porreca said.“Lip tattooing is now catching up to eyebrows because people are really interested in their lips and having that beautiful big look and colour.“A lot of people just love waking up and not having to put on lipstick and reapply lipstick. I get a lot of ladies whose lipsticks bleed into their lines and want to prevent that.“Many people have uneven lips. We can correct lips. Some people have skin cancers on their lips so we can rebuild that whole shape for them.

 source : Daily Telegraph youtube
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