
Jon Voight Sends Message About President Obama And Israel: Is Angelina Jolie Next?

             Jon Voight is not one to remain silent. Voight sent an exclusive video to Just Jared on Saturday night, showing his support of Israel while condemning President Obama.“I love Israel. I want to see Israel survive and not be overtaken by the mad men of this world,” Jon Voight said.Then, Mr. Voight continued with harsh words towards Obama.“President Obama does not love Israel. His whole agenda is to control Israel. In this way, he can be friends with all of Israel’s enemies. He doesn’t want Bibi Netanyahi to win this upcoming election. America has not been the same since his presidency. I beg all of you to understand the truth.” John Voight has been very outspoken about his support for Israel. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Voight wrote a pretty harsh letter to Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, both who publicly condemned Israel. “My name is Jon Voight and I am more than angry, I am heartsick that people like Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem could incite anti-Semitism all over the world and are oblivious to the damage they have caused. They are obviously ignorant of the whole story of Israel’s birth, when in 1948 the Jewish people were offered by the UN a portion of the land originally set aside for them in 1921, and the Arab Palestinians were offered the other half.” Jon Voight then asked all those in Hollywood who signed the “poison letter” against Israel to examine their motives. Voight accused them of helping to stroke the fire of anti-Semitism that is raging all over the world.    “You have been able to become famous and have all your monetary gains because you are in a democratic country: America. Do you think you would have been able to accomplish this in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, et cetera? You had a great responsibility to use your celebrity for good. Instead, you have defamed the only democratic country of goodwill in the Middle East: Israel. You should hang your heads in shame. You should all come forth with deep regrets for what you did, and ask forgiveness from the suffering people in Israel.” Though it has been rumored that Voight’s daughter Angelina Jolie agrees with her father, don’t expect the hotter-than-hot actress to make her support for Israel public. Doing so would cause a backlash that would hurt the most admired actress in Hollywood. Do you agree with Jon Voight about Israel? Tell us in the comments section.

source : Inquisitr youtube
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