
Angelina Jolie Meets With John Kerry on World Refugee Day

         Angelina Jolie takes the podium during a visit to the U.S. Department of State on Monday afternoon (June 20) in Washington D.C.The 41-year-old actress, who currently serves as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Special Envoy, joined Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss the current refugee crisis.“I ask people to understand that with 65 million people displaced by conflict, we are facing a world of wars we cannot ignore or turn our backs on. To do that would be naive, irresponsible, and dangerous,” she told the audience.Angelina added, “We face a very clear choice: to continue as we are and see displacement and insecurity grow, or to come together with other nations and find a new approach, one that does not focus solely on aid and resettlement but on solution, stability, and returns.

source: Just Jared youtube
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