
Sweet treat! Angelina Jolie enjoys a lollipop while collecting takeaway pizza with daughters Shiloh and Zahara

            She's keen on introducing her six children to a healthy, varied diet.And Angelina Jolie even fried up nutritious bugs for her nine-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne while on a trip to Cambodia last February.But the 42-year-old isn't above ordering pizza to go on a Saturday evening for her brood.The actress was spotted sucking a lollipop as she and daughters Shiloh, 11, and Zahara, 13, picked up the cheesy treat from a pizza parlor near their home in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles.Angelina wore a long, sleeveless black dress and shades for the outing as she and her girls waited while their bodyguard loaded the family's dinner into the back of a black SUV.Shiloh, with her dark blonde hair cut into a cute pixie style, slurped a huge soft drink as she waited.The tween wore a black sweater, khaki cropped cargo pants and flip flops.Her sister Zahara, whom Angelina adopted from Ethiopia as a baby, was decked out in a black T-shirt, black pants and black Nike sneakers.She had the important job of holding onto the family dog, who was on a red lead.Aside from the two girls, Angelina also shares Maddox, 16, from Cambodia; Pax, 14, from Vietnam; and twins Vivienne and Knox, nine, with her estranged husband Brad Pitt.he couple split up in August 2016 but have yet to finalize their divorce.She met the 54-year-old actor when they co-starred in Mr. & Mrs. Smith in 2005.Their subsequent affair ended Brad's marriage to Jennifer Aniston.

 source : Daily Mail  youtube
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