
Bright 2: Angelina Jolie Being Eyed For Villain

        These days it may be common for Netflix to spend large sums of money on first-rate original talent projects, but given their growing power and influence in Hollywood, it’s easy to forget that the flow service has been in the business for a while over three years.Bright became one of the most viewed Netflix prototypes ever.Bright in 2017 saw them hire director David Ayer from the Suicide Squad box office, which exceeds $ 750 million to write a screenplay for Max Landis when it was still the screenwriter’s next big thing and they put Will Smith in charge in an ambitious detective film with a twist. The critical response didn’t turn out to be very broad, but a release almost during the holiday season, obtaining over eleven million streams in the first three days of its release.The sequel was announced in the same year:A sequel was announced the same month, with Ayer and Smith being the only confirmed ones to return with Joel Edgerton, but since then there has been little progress. The last specific news we heard was four months ago when Ayer confirmed it was still going on, but now we have said that Netflix is looking up when it comes to the cast of the evil.According to our sources – those who told us that Han was returning to the Fast & Furious series, a Green Lantern show is coming to HBO Max and Ryan Reynolds had a camera on Hobbs & Shaw, everything was fine – one of the names that examined to play the big villain in Bright 2 is Angelina Jolie. Details on the role are still rare, but from what we understand, he would be buried under the prosthesis like Orco, perhaps one with a connection with the character of Edgerton.
        Angelina Jolie has appeared in several live appearances :Given the huge amount of money they have available, Netflix can afford anyone at this stage and Jolie is no stranger to the fantasy of the big-budget, having recently directed Maleficent: Mistress of Evil and her participation in The Eternity. However, in the past ten years, she has only made a handful of live appearances, and two of them were like Maleficent, so it would probably take a lot of persuasions or a lot of money on Netflix’s side to make the actress connected to Bright 2.But again, it’s not that they can’t afford it. Furthermore, they tell us that other stars on list A are on their list. Jolie is certainly the one they are most interested in, but with a little luck, they will be able to do it.

 source : The Digital Wise youtube

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