
Angelina Jolie organised helicopter for Jack O'Connell

        'Unbroken' director Angelina Jolie organised a helicopter so her lead actor, Jack O'Connell, could visit a terminally ill friend.Angelina Jolie chartered a helicopter so Jack O'Connell could visit a terminally ill friend.The 24-year-old actor was preparing to star in her movie 'Unbroken' when he learned his pal didn't have long left to live so his director helped him to return home to Derbyshire in order to make a visit before it was too late.He said: ''He was terminally ill. She provided me with a helicopter from down South where I was preparing for the shoot, so I could go and visit him.''And after Jack's friend died, Angelina wanted to visit his family and the actor thinks the 'Maleficent' star helped them through their grief.He added: ''After his passing, she insisted on meeting his family and spending time with them in his house. It did them the world of good.''That is an insight into Angelina and how big her heart is. She had no agenda - what did she want out of me? She was doing that because that's the humanitarian in her.''The 'Harry Brown' actor also felt grateful that the actress-turned-filmmaker took the time to meet his own family.He told Grazia magazine: ''She met a handful of my nearest and dearest, bless her, she didn't need to do that either. But she took it upon herself.''While I was preparing for the shoot, she decided it was a good idea when she was in the country to come and do that.''

source : Contact Music youtube
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