
Angelina Jolie “Wedding In Cambodia” Is Made-Up Tabloid Cover Story

              Angelina Jolie is not having a “wedding in Cambodia,” contrary to a new tabloid cover story. Gossip Cop can debunk this report, which was completely made up.As Gossip Cop reported, last month In Touch falsely claimed Jolie was “getting married already” to a “wealthy Brit.” Though the tabloid could not identify this supposed groom-to-be, the gossip magazine insisted the actress was fast-tracking her divorce from Brad Pitt in order to tie the knot again. Gossip Cop correctly busted that cover story at the time, but now the outlet is foolishly doubling down with a new one.The latest cover blares, “Angelina’s Shocking Surprise: Wedding In Cambodia! Marriage No. 4 Just 8 Months After Split With Brad.” The front of the issue was designed to give consumers the impression this supposed wedding already took place, but the actual story inside the edition is only about Jolie’s alleged plans to wed. In either case, the publication is dead wrong.The article repeats the tabloid’s previous untrue assertions that Jolie has “quietly fallen for a wealthy 40-something British philanthropist and businessman, and she’s eager to marry for the fourth time as soon as her divorce from Brad is finalized.” But to advance its recycled claims, the magazine quotes a so-called “family friend,” who contends, “All systems are go for the wedding to take place on her new property” in Battambang. This supposed source goes on to contend Jolie was able to “clear the decks for marriage” after allegedly giving in to Pitt’s custody and financial demands.As Gossip Cop previously noted, In Touch had also fabricated a cover story that claimed Pitt had “stopped” the wedding and was dragging his feet with the divorce because he did not want Jolie to wed again. This new piece gets out of that by conveniently asserting Pitt has changed his mind and isn’t “standing in her way anymore.” And so the outlet’s “family friend” goes on to spill purported details about Jolie’s wedding plans, like how it will be a “small outdoor” ceremony this summer and how the actress’ dress, food and decorations will all reflect Cambodian culture. Naturally, the alleged tipster also maintains Jolie and Pitt’s kids will have roles in the wedding, too.But isn’t it odd that the publication knows all the specifics about the nuptials but not the name of Jolie’s “new man”? Or his exact age? Or where he actually works? A skeptic would say that’s because this “wealthy 40-something British philanthropist and businessman” doesn’t exist, at least not in Jolie’s life. In fact, Gossip Cop was told more than a month ago that rumors of Jolie having a British boyfriend were “untrue.”In Touch has simply created a soap opera-worthy, but false, narrative. Angelina Jolie getting married again! Brad Pitt stops the wedding! Brad Pitt caves and Angelina Jolie plans Cambodian wedding! The tabloid is stepping in it further and further, as the only thing that stinks around here is the magazine’s dreadful reporting. Actually, it isn’t even reporting, since the outlet likely didn’t just get bad information from a “family friend.” Rather, the publication, Gossip Cop is told, has simply been making it all up. For shame.

 source : Gossip Cop youtube
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