
Threats, Abuse & A Gun! Angelina’s Twisted Lesbian Lover Exposed

          Before Jolie settled down with Brad Pitt, she was with a wild woman! Angelina Jolie‘s wild child past was even more twisted than the world thought! RadarOnline.com has uncovered never-before-seen court documents that reveal the dark truth of her lesbian love lover Jenny Shimizu, one filled with threats, abuse and worse! Jolie and Shimizu’s ill-fated love affair began when they were filming the movie Foxfire, which was released in late 1996.At the time, records show, Shimizu was sharing apartments with long-time girlfriend Maria Luisa Mosquera in Los Angeles and New York.But as her relationship with Jolie heated up, so did tensions with Mosquera — and it ended in court!Records on the case have long since been destroyed, but Radar can reveal that on November 8, 1996, Shimizu posted $20,000 bail for an incident that occurred the previous night, resulting in charges of assault with a deadly weapon.The full complaint was filed on December 4, 1996, and on December 9, Shimizu posted an $80,000 bail for charges of criminal threats and assault with a firearm.By February 7, 1997, she pleaded guilty to misdemeanor possession of a weapon with intent to assault and felony inflicting visible injury on a cohabitant or spouse, with remaining counts of felony assault with a firearm and making a terrorist threat to be disposed on completion of a probation.The details of the incident are not clear, but she was subsequently ordered by a judge to stay away from girlfriend Mosquera. Mosquera did not respond to Radar’s requests for comment.Shimizu was also ordered to pay a $200 fine, complete one year of domestic violence counseling, 200 hours of community service and sentenced to three years of probation. She served one day in jail.Her legal troubles, however, were only beginning.
         On June 27, 1997, the judge admonished Shimizu for showing up late to her probation hearing and urged to bring proof of her enrollment in a domestic violence counseling to the next hearing.But by October 17, 1997, she failed to appear yet again, and a bench warrant was issued for her arrest.Then on Feb 6, 1998, she failed to report to her probation officer, resulting in probation being revoked and a warrant issued.Shimizu was technically on the run for four years until 2002, when she was nabbed by the sheriff and put in lockup overnight without bail on February 25, 2002.The next day, she was allowed to go, but told to report to probation officer within 48 hours.On April 4, 2002, she admitted to skipping out on probation for all those years, and told to complete 30 days in jail or 30 days Caltrans graffiti removal, plus pay $30/month restitution.By December 11, 2002, she proved she had completed 218 hours of community service and domestic violence counseling.And on March 29, 2004, a judge ruled that Shimizu had “appeared to have complied with all terms and conditions of probation.” The court ordered probation terminated and her remaining charges were dismissed.

source: Radar online  youtube
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